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Measuring Arctic Air will help in Recovering OZONE layer

Jun 20, 2010

An international team of Expert team of scientists includes scientists from NASA have begun their experiments in north of the cool Arctic winds. There, they have took measurements of the winter atmosphere in an effort to improve the quality of air, ozone, and climatic change predictions. 

Recently they gather some valuable information atmospheric composition and recovery of the ozone layer. As we know North Polar region is the most sensitive region in the earth's atmosphere.

But scientists have found that the arctic climate conditions are responsiblen of the recovery of the Ozone layer depletion.
Also scientists have confessed that the focus on the artic climate reveal more information about the earth's composition
and about recovery of the ozone layer from the destrution also we can reduce global warming.

Polar Aura Validation Experiment (PAVE) gathered more information about the Artic climate and its composition of air.
The image shown in the left shows the region covered by PAVE Mission. By studying atmospheric gases, chemistry,and aerosols, which are tiny atmospheric airborne particles, the researchers hope they can discover how these constituents work together to absorb or reflect radiation, influence our air quality and the regulate the Earth's climate. Also will how will it help to recover the depleted OZONE layer



lina@happy family said...

It's a good news...

September 18, 2010 at 10:58 AM
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November 9, 2010 at 11:30 PM

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